What I would like to see in RR3

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jahn p
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What I would like to see in RR3

Hi. After racing quite a lot to gain some paultry sums of gold, I was thinking several things (not necessarily a first)
I still like the game, and still like racing and having fun in many events, and like most here lately, do my share of complaining about a lot, especially the financial model/structure.
But, started thinking what would/could improve an already good game to keep some of the longer term players interested.
My thoughts.
1/ The occasional reward of upgrading a/some cars for R$ instead of scarse gold. Could be as a result of - time spent - races run - event completions - monthly reward - ??
2/ I would love to see a pitted bot, or incidence bot that goes off the track, either turns opposite direction, hits a wall, or into a sand trap, NOT come back onto the track alongside, let alone in front of my car (NOT Real Racing)
3/ better reward for series steps than 5 to 8 gold for a car that needs 40 or more gold for ONE upgrade (I know this is just a part of the financial modelling)
4/ Give us a break with dam servicing requirements. It is good fun doing some events in a car that has not been driven for a while, but a 3 to 4 hour service after a couple of short races, where is the incentive to continue.
Edit - these thoughts surfaced while driving the R3 Spec Huracan, you might have noticed mine, it was the green one 

Anyway, any other thoughts - comments ?

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