WTTT Red Bull - inconsistent brake points?

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WTTT Red Bull - inconsistent brake points?

Trying to post the best possible time on RBR GP I'v noticed that my optimal braking point into the turn 2 (uphill harpin) varies quite a bit from race to race, making it nearly impossible to nail the optimal lap. When I get the turn 1 right my timing and speed is always very similar (say I repeatedly run at -0.1s from my previous best) so a braking point should always be at the same spot, right? But this is not the case - sometimes I brake just ahead of the 150m mark and it's too late, sometimes I brake exactly on the 150m mark and it's too early! Has any1 experienced anything like this?

The second issue is braking points in general. When I watch SpeedJunkies videos his braking points are nearly always later than mine. Since he's usually the top 0.1% guy he should be carrying higher speed into the braking zone and yet I can nearly never brake that late and still make a turn - Idk, sure maybe I just suck, it's a possibility, what are your observations? I'm usually top5% and top1% when I have FU car.   

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