Action Shots

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Action Shots

The Action Shots Contest is on holiday for a while.  We are leaving the original description intact below in case we decide to reinstate the contest at some later date.  In the meantime, this thread is where you can post your Action Shots for others to see.

Here's the revised (and renamed) edition of our photo contest...

After seeing so many fine car liveries in the Show-off Corner, as well as the great action shots in the Spotted at the Track thread, we decided to give members a chance to have their photos featured on the front page of  This is a variation of a suggestion from Speedyracerx, who said we should have a car of the week, let members customize said car, then pick a winner (by votes from the community, of course).

We felt that, if we were to pick a car of the week, we might be excluding members who don't yet own that car, or have no wish to spend their precious gold to customize it, or simply don't have the gold to spare.

So here's how it works...

  1. This thread is where members can nominate a photo for the contest.  Nominations can be from the member who made the shot (probably the most common case), or from other members who simply like a particular shot posted in the Spotted at the Track thread.  [Edit: even though you don't need to crop your photos, which means nominated photos might look exactly like the ones posted in Spotted at the Track, we still want nominated photos to be posted here because not every photo in the other thread will be worthy of the contest. See the "repost" tip below.]
  2. This thread will be ongoing - nominations may be made at any time.
  3. The contest(s) for the weekly winner will run from Sunday to Saturday.  When it's time to create a new contest poll, we will take all nominations for the previous seven days.  Then the poll itself will run for one week, hopefully giving everyone a chance to vote, and the winning photo from that poll will be promoted to the front page of MyRealRacing.  Each new weekly winner will appear above the previous winner, and the winners of older contests will eventually get bumped off the front page entirely.
  4. Please post only one entry from any single event you run.  If we get as many pics in each nomination post as we do in Spotted at the Track, the poll at the end of the week will quickly get out of hand.
    To clarify: You may post photos from the same run of the same event in different weeks (i.e. different contests).  We're just asking that you don't double-up within the same week.
  5. There is a limit of three entries each week from each member.
  6. Put each entry in separate posts.
  7. If another member nominates a photo you own, you may request that it be withdrawn from consideration.  You may do so either publicly, in this thread, or via PM to one of the mods.
  8. We reserve the right to crop and/or make other adjustments to the winning photos (to cut out the icons, for example) before placing them on the front page of our site.

We may still feature some of the winners in the banner section of our site (with the owner's permission, of course), if a cropped version is esthetically pleasing.

Addendum:  Here's a new aspect of the contest we are adding (yeah, we're making it up as we go along; what of it?)...  The second place photo each week, or in case of a tie, all photos in the 2nd place tier, will automatically be included in the following week's poll.  Once a photo has won and been featured on our front page, it becomes intelligible for subsequent polls.

Happy Racing, everyone!


Tip 1...

To easily repost a photo that has already been posted in Spotted at the Track, just copy the link (URL) of the photo, and use the "embed image from a link" method to post it here in this thread.

Tip 2...

It seems as if screenshots taken during a paused race (or a paused replay) are more popular, perhaps because they look more realistic, than those taken via the "camera" feature of RR3.  In order to get a "cleaner" look, you can hide the controls at the bottom of the screen by clicking the icon on the far left...

Or, better still... if you have a photo editor, crop the photo(s) so that the app icons don't show at all.

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