Performance of LMP cars in v3.0

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Performance of LMP cars in v3.0

The performance of the LMP cars (I just drove the 919) has been adjusted in v3.0, after v2.7 screwed it pretty much up. However, I am also unhappy with it in v3.0.

If you go in cockpit view you can see the gearshift indicators are messed up, the LEDs are basically on all the time and out of sync with the engine sound. Also have a look at the exhaust flames in chase view, they are out of sync as well.

Then, in cockpit view check the rpm, 1-6 gear short-shifts to about 6500rpm, 7th gear goes to over 8000rpm - much higher. To me the physics still seems messed up and it kind of confirms what I did anticipate, that RR3 shares car physics with other cars. So they may have had to tweak this how it is, otherwise other cars performance would be messed up.

However, I will open a ticket on zendesk, not happy with it yet.

(on a positive side, I noticed when driving close to other cars in cockpit view, now you can hear their exhaust cracking - good for the atmosphere and maybe related to F1 introduction.)

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