Come join the Car Customization Contest

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Mod-Veyron's picture
Team MAR: 5
Posts: 106/2642
Last seen: 4 days 19 hours ago
Joined: 05 Jul 2013
Come join the Car Customization Contest

I decided it was time for another nudge to get more members involved in the Car Customization Contest.  This time, though, I put it here in the General Discussion for RR3 forum in order to reach those recent members who may not have browsed much in other parts of the site.

Many of our members have been getting a lot of enjoyment from the customization feature ever since it was introduced into RR3.  This contest is, quite simply, a means to enhance that enjoyment by letting members test their skills given a specific theme for the designs, by providing a dedicated thread for showing off the end results, and by rewarding those participants who are deemed by their peers to have produced the most appealing designs.

So come join the fun!  Unlike the challenges and tournaments you'll find here, you don't need to be fast on the track to be able to do well in this contest.

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